The LSU A Cappella Choir performs with the LSU Symphony Orchestra for Kenneth Fulton's farewell concert, April 22 at 2:30 p.m. at the LSU Student Union Theater.
For this program, Fulton chose works that have significance for him from moments that are personally memorable and artistically grand, music he listened to as a high school student, love songs and works his A Cappella Choirs have performed while touring abroad.
The program includes:
Two Prayers: Vere Languores by Tomas Luis de Victoria, a song Fulton sang in high school that has remained one of his most loved works.
Mass in Eb by Josef Rheinberger, Kyrie, Gloria, a beautiful choral mass performed on some of the A Cappella Choir's performances in Europe for high mass at some of the best known cathedrals in the world, including St. Paul's at the Vatican in Rome, Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris and St. Mark's in Venice.
Also on the program are love songs such as love is the only every god, with poetry by E.E. cummings and music by J.A.C. Redford, an accomplished Los Angeles-based film composer for movies including Avatar, and A Red, Red Rose from "Four Robert Burns Ballads" by James Mulholland, an LSU graduate who was named an Alumni of the Year .
To purchase, call the box office at 225-578-5128 or buy tickets online.
For this program, Fulton chose works that have significance for him from moments that are personally memorable and artistically grand, music he listened to as a high school student, love songs and works his A Cappella Choirs have performed while touring abroad.
The program includes:
Two Prayers: Vere Languores by Tomas Luis de Victoria, a song Fulton sang in high school that has remained one of his most loved works.
Mass in Eb by Josef Rheinberger, Kyrie, Gloria, a beautiful choral mass performed on some of the A Cappella Choir's performances in Europe for high mass at some of the best known cathedrals in the world, including St. Paul's at the Vatican in Rome, Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris and St. Mark's in Venice.
Also on the program are love songs such as love is the only every god, with poetry by E.E. cummings and music by J.A.C. Redford, an accomplished Los Angeles-based film composer for movies including Avatar, and A Red, Red Rose from "Four Robert Burns Ballads" by James Mulholland, an LSU graduate who was named an Alumni of the Year .
To purchase, call the box office at 225-578-5128 or buy tickets online.